September 19, 2017
WIL’s first program for the 2017-18 Program Year included an interactive educational discussion with Vince Gallagher of the Fistula Foundation.
The theme of the 2017-18 program year revolves around WIL’s new Empowerment Principles: Economics, Education, Health and Culture. The September program will focus on Health which WIL defines as the right to safety, health education, accessible health care and adequate standard of living. This Principle will be highlighted through the work of the Fistula Foundation who leads in the treatment of obstetric fistula.
The mission of the Fistula Foundation is simple, treat obstetric fistula, but their work is powerful and their reach is mighty. Fistula is a childbirth injury largely eradicated in the developed world, but still devastating women in the poorest countries. It is treatable with life-transforming surgery. The Fistula Foundation performs more surgeries for more women than any other organization operating within the United States.