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WIL Travel

International adventures and interesting local trips further WIL’s mission of women empowering women

WIL Trips

The international trips take members to developing countries that have a Village Bank that WIL has financed or that have been awarded a project Empowerment Grant. The local / regional trips focus on U.S. historical and/or current women’s issues.

In the developing countries to which we travel, WIL members experience the way of life, culture and environment in which the women live. We meet with individuals and women’s groups that are dedicated to overcoming their systemic and daily challenges.

We listen to their stories of despair and success, share their sadness and joy, see and learn about what they’ve created and accomplished.

We visit with Village Banks and see the power that a small loan to start a business has to improve their lives, the lives of their families and sometimes their entire community.


We witness their skills, talents, ingenuity, resilience and strength, their optimism and hope for the future.

Please check our home page for information on upcoming 

WIL travel opportunities, &  Virtual Travel Book and Film Discussions.

All the WIL trips are wonderful bonding experiences for the members traveling together, sharing experiences and the emotions that accompany them.


They are special opportunities for our members to build closer personal and group relationships, deepening our ties to each other, our community, our values and our mission.

Recent Trips