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Updated: Mar 11, 2022

Microfinance is the cornerstone of WIL's work. Over the years, WIL has funded 20 village banks in 16 countries. But do you know how WIL identifies, evaluates, and selects the MFIs that we fund? What criteria do the Microfinance Committee consider in selecting an MFI for vetting? What quantitative metrics and qualitative issues are used to assess the viability of the MFI? How has WIL's microfinance funding impacted the lives of vulnerable women?

At the February 16th session, GET THE MACRO ON MICRO FINANCE, WIL provided an overview of microfinance and the inner workings of the microfinance committee. We were joined by representatives from Namaste, an MFI in Guatemala, that WIL funded with microloans and empowerment grants over the last two years. Namaste presented its work in serving Indigenous Mayan women and profiled some of the women that have benefited from WIL's assistance.

WIL's BANK YOUR VOTE program was held in-person on March 8th at the Philadelphia Ethical Society (1906 Rittenhouse Square). The Microfinance Committee presented proposals from MFIs that have been evaluated by the Microfinance Committee.

If you would like to view this session, please visit our YouTube Channel.

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